Hassan Sheikh mohamud will go down in history as the most unfortunate president in Somalia’s history. Despite winning 2 terms of office, his second historic term is littered with failure, corruption, nepotism and a disastrous foreign policy which is embarrassing and endangering the country.
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is widely seen by his own citizens as the most corrupt leader to govern them. He is looting public lands for profit,taking a share from khat imports, employing his own family in top government positions and talking about religion and good politics in the mosque on Fridays. This is the sign of a real hypocrite who has lost touch with reality.
The Presidents inner circle of family, friends and UPD supporters are exploiting the Somali people just like him. Public land given out for political reason or sold by the president has gone to them. Now he wants people to invest in mega projects with his friends and create the biggest ponzi scheme in Somalia. No one is buying it. Mr, President you continue building your 4 storey high buildings and the Somali mother’s will watch you from the streets until 15 May 2026. You don’t have long left. Your fate will be decided in the Afisioni tent.
The Raskaamboni and Gedo disasters are the fault of Hassan Sheikh. This follows the massacre at Cosweyne in the past. Hassan has systematically destroyed the Somali Army with corruption, nepotism and theft. He is driven by emotions and has never been strategic in security matters. This has killed and injured too many of Somalia’s best soldiers. They don’t have confidence in their commander in chief anymore and are deserting in big numbers.
When Hassan loses a political fight which he instigates like Raskambooni, he lashes out, he administers collective punishment on the people of that whole region. He did not need to stop the flights to Kismayo because Somali people need it. Ahmed Madobe is not flying to Mogadishu to see him anyway. Why punish people going to Jubbaland?
Hassan Sheikh Mohamuds foreign policy is dangerous. He thinks he is smart enough to lease Somalia’s sea to Ethiopia and bring Egypt into the African Union peacekeeping mission. He thinks he can play UAE, Qatar snd Saudi Arabia all at the same time. He can’t even reconcile his foreign minister Fiqi and his state minister Ali Balcad. His daughter Jihan is also now back in foreign policy making for her dad. She is rumoured to be going to New York as a diplomat at the UN in January 2025. The UN Security Council meetings will now be more interesting with Somalia as a Non Permenant member for 2 years.
Hassan Sheikhs problem is he has no respect or authority at home or overseas. He has no credible Prime Minister or governemnt. He has no friends in his own UPD party. His many foreign travels produce no results snd waste taxpayers money. He has no clear direction for Somalia. His failure is clear for all to see.